Department of Home Economics
Home Economics course deals with the relationship between individuals, families, communities, and the environment in which they live. Home economics is “The Art and Science of Home Management”, meaning that the discipline incorporates both creative and technical aspects into its teachings. Keeping in mind the vast importance of this subject, it was introduced in our college in 1970 with immense efforts of Dr. RajaniGhadekar. Over the years, it steadily developed into a full-fledged efficient Department. Ms. PreranaRatnaparkhi is the Head of the Department at present. The department of Home Economics offers under-graduate programs. The department has state-of-the-art infrastructure, library services, well equipped laboratory, integrated academic and Internet facilities available to the students. The combined excellences of educational curriculum, commitment of the highly qualified and experienced faculty have helped to establish the department for women.
To empower young ladies to contribute to the intellectual, professional and capacity building attempts of the country and to face the challenges of a globalized world while remaining established in the qualities and practices of their own way of life.
To provide quality and value based holistic education, facilitated by the use of technology and to concentrate on the improvement of the young ladies as self-governing, critical thinking and compassionate people; to teach discipline, want for greatness and cultivate all-round development.
Every year Home economics Department carried out these activity to promote multiple educational levels of Home economics courses which were offered by RTMN University . Historically, the purpose of these courses was to professionalize housework, to provide intellectual fulfillment for women, and to emphasize the value of “women’s work” in society and to prepare them for their traditional roles in a scientific way.
- Rakhi Project:
Rakshabandhan the festival that celebrates the pure bond between sister and brother. Under the guidance of hon’ble Retd. Col. Sunil Despande & Hon’ble Principal Dr. Barhate, this celebration is taken to an even higher level by sending Rakhis to soliders posted on border as an appreciation of their service to the nation & their role in protecting us all. This activity has been carried ou continuously for the past 14 years and has been highly appreciated.
- Adhdhyan Mandal of Department:
The Adhyayan Mandal comprising of 7-13 students from the Home Economics Department. This Adhyayan Mandal holds a meeting at the beginning of the session to chalk out activities to be held throughout the year.This activity inspires students to conduct their own planning and helps them improve their decision making capabilities. The Adhyayan Mandal is also instrumental in teaching team work to the students as they have to coordinate with each other and work together.Students logical, creative, and critical way of thinking to keep them updated about latest developments in the subject.
- Skill Development Training Workshop :
Skill-based training is certainly more effective and purpose driven. It is an ideal combination of opinion, qualities and routine to frame a strong establishment. It advances and develops the Art of learning and improvement consequently empowering the students to become successful in their chosen field. The skill based area will observer a jump in the interest of Job opportunities related with Textile, Food & Nutrition, innovation and that’s just the beginning. With the different skilled work force jobs, of the interaction in assisting break down the pattern of joblessness.
- Visit to Entrepreneur Exhibition Or Self-employment Activity :
Through Visits in Entrepreneurs exhibitions students increased competition from entrepreneurs challenges existing firms to become more competitive. This Platform provide new job opportunities in the short and long term and also boost economic growth by introducing innovative technologies, products, and services.
Skill Development Painting Workshop

Prof. Prerana R. Ratnaparkhi
(Assistant Professor & HoD)
M.A. (Home Eco.), NET
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